Vitiligo Treatment in Delhi
Vitiligo Treatment

Vitiligo Treatment in Delhi

Vitiligo is a skin disorder where the skin loses pigmentation and appears pale or white. The condition starts on the hands and forearms, or the face and feet. A dermatologist can help one with effective vitiligo treatment in Delhi, with various options tailored to their specific needs. The areas where the skin loses pigmentation are called macules if they are smaller than one centimetre in width. Larger areas are called patches. Even the hair strands in this region will be devoid of color.

The immune system's destruction of the skin's melanocyte cells is the primary cause of vitiligo. It is an autoimmune disorder that is noncontiguous. Melanocyte cells produce melanin, which is responsible for the color of our skin, eyes, and hair. The lack of melanin production changes the skin pigmentation in that area. 

Who Can Develop Vitiligo?

Vitiligo can affect a person of any age and gender, though you are likely to see the signs before crossing 30 years. People with type 1 diabetes, psoriasis, Addison’s disease, lupus, anemia, thyroid, and rheumatoid arthritis are at a higher risk of being affected by Vitiligo. That said, only 1% of the world’s population has this skin condition. 

A few symptoms of Vitiligo are as follows: 

  • White or light skin patches around the mouth, eyes, nose, or other parts of the body.
  • Hair on the patches turning gray, silver, or white.

The patches may continue to be the same for years, though they can spread over time. Genetic changes, excessive stress, and overexposure to toxic chemicals or UV light can cause vitiligo.

Types of Vitiligo

Vitiligo treatment in Delhi: A few common types of Vitiligo like Generalized, Segmental, Mucosal, Trichome, Focal, and Universal.

  • Generalized: Appears in small macules all over the body.  
  • Segmental: affects only one side or area of the body. 
  • Mucosal: affects the mucous membranes and/or genitals. 
  • Trichome: Causes a bull’s eye within the affected area.
  • Focal: A rare type where the macules appear only in certain areas and don’t spread.  
  • Universal: A rare type where the skin loses pigmentation over 80% of the body. 

Vitiligo Treatment

Vitiligo treatment in Delhi: A few treatment for vitiligo including Topical Medication, Light Therapy, Oral Medication, and etc.

Vitiligo is diagnosed based on your medical history and by examining the skin using special equipment called the wood lamp. Blood tests may also be conducted to determine if you have an autoimmune condition. It is treated for different reasons: to restore the lost skin color, prevent it from spreading, and stop new spots from appearing elsewhere on the body. Following are some of the effective vitiligo treatment in Delhi available at Mehektagul Dermaclinic:

  • Topical Medication 

Topical creams or ointments containing corticosteroids, cal-cipo-tri-ene, JAK inhibitors, and tac-roli-mus are applied to the affected areas. Tac-roli-mus is safer as it can be used in the long term, unlike corticosteroids, which cause skin thinning. The FDA (Food and Drug Administration) recently approved JAK inhibitors for people over 12 years of age and those with non-segmental Vitiligo.

  • Light Therapy 

Phototherapy is prescribed in cases where a large area of the skin needs to be treated. Artificial UVA light from a light box is used to restore the natural skin color. The dermatologist will choose the duration of each session. Light therapy gives good results for Vitiligo on the face, neck, toes, fingers, etc. Since it takes multiple sessions to show results, this treatment is combined with topical and oral medication. 

  • Oral Medication 

Oral medication like pre-dni-sone is prescribed if Vitiligo is spreading faster (it is a slow disorder and takes many years to spread). It slows down the spread, allowing time to treat the affected areas. 

  • Surgery 

Surgeries are rare and not an immediate treatment option for many. Skin grafting is a surgical method to remove healthy and pigmented skin from other areas and transplant it to areas with Vitiligo. Cell transplant involves the process of removing cells from healthy skin and placing them in areas with Vitiligo. It takes six months to a year to see repigmentation.

  • Depigmentation (rare) 

Depigmentation is a rare treatment method where the entire skin is removed from its natural color to create an even tone. A cream is applied to normal skin to gradually depigment it. This method takes up to 4 years to show results. 

  • Diet and Supplements 

Maintaining a healthy diet and taking supplements for vitamins, amino acids, minerals, etc., can restore skin pigmentation when you combine it with other treatments. Based on your health, the doctor will prescribe the supplements.

Note: Remember that Vitiligo treatments work slowly. They don’t provide instant results, and the condition cannot be fully cured. Maintenance treatments will be necessary lifelong to ensure it does not aggravate. 

Book an appointment at Mehektagul Dermaclinic for a consultation with a senior dermatologist. We provide comprehensive vitiligo treatment in Delhi to effectively control and manage this concern while improving overall skin health.


The most polite and Intelligent doctor i had ever seen Such a Humble and Talented doctor Gulhima Arora
Best dermatologist .
Thanks a lot ma'am for your kind and effective treatmen

Madhvi Singh
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Recommended by my relative for blemishes problem and I have had online consultations. Dr. Ghulima is an expert dermatologist and my spots lightened with her treatment. Also, provides a lot of servi

Nivedita Balyan
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Excellent doctor, Very ethical and professional who puts the patient first.

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K-105, Basement, Hauz Khas Enclave, New Delhi -110016